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Title Recovery

Title recovery is a process used to restore a vehicle’s title to its rightful owner when it has been lost, stolen, or damaged. This process typically involves submitting an application to the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or equivalent agency, along with required documentation and fees.

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Here are the general steps involved in title recovery:

Gather required documents: such as provide proof of ownership, identification, and other supporting documents

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Submitting the Information

Send us the information you gathered starting with the vehicles VIN Number so we can start working on recovering your title.

We Submit the application: Take the completed application and supporting documents to the DMV, this includes paying the required fees for each case.

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Wait for processing:

The DMV will review your application and verify the information. This may take several weeks or months, depending on the state and the complexity of the case.

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Receive your vehicle’s Title:

Congratulations on recovering your vehicle’s title! After receiving your recovered title, now you can use it to register, insure, and sell your vehicle.

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American Title Recovery Experts

About Us

At American Title Recovery Experts, we’re dedicated to helping individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of title recovery. With years of experience and a passion for delivering exceptional results, our team is committed to providing expert guidance and support every step of the way.